
All Life Coaches

Bridget Finklaire

Bridget Finklaire

Bridget Finklaire is an author & spiritual teacher with almost 30 years of experience. She is a qualified therapist & healer, and worked in London’s Harley Street. Bridget left England in 2012 for Cape Town.

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Star Freudenberg

Star Freudenberg

  The Founder, Star, also known as the Medical Mindset Coach is a Holistic Health Practitioner and Educator, specialising in full body and mind transformation through detox, wellness, mindset and trauma is an international speaker,

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Bronwen Allan

Bronwen Allan

I specialise in supporting people looking to make the right kind of purpose-aligned changes, to navigate challenges well, and to find clarity.

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Rowan Armstrong

Rowan Armstrong

There are time when you feel that you would like someone to talk to that is not part of your friend and family circles. Someone that you know you can share your thoughts and feelings with and they will remain confidential.

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